Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Magic of Lo

Oh, my sweet, sweet Lo.  Today, you turn five.  Today my heart has grown yet again as it swells with the love I have for you!  It has been a simply magical year.  One year ago you celebrated your fourth birthday, and it feels like yesterday.  Here you were in the new dress-up high heels and tiara you received as gifts.

It couldn't have been yesterday though....because I just looked back through all of our photos from then through now.....and so much has happened!  We've celebrated some big family milestones, and you battled your way through some tough times, girly!  And we've shared so many memorable experiences...and so much love.

This year, we sold our home on Stinson and made a move into what will hopefully be our home for many years to come!

This was you....the night we weren't quite moved in to the new home,
and you learned that we were not going to get to stay there until the following night. :)

We had a garage sale soon after moving in, and you had a lemonade and cookie stand with T and G.  It was a great way to meet some of our neighbors.

In July 2015, we were able to visit the Coles...and Papa and Jodie were able to meet us there too, to turn it into a whole family celebration on the 4th of July!  Such a great couple of days!

Other summer adventures included following along with Bubby to all of his baseball games.  Roman and Alyssa Babcock played on an opposing team, and we snapped a photo of you all on his last game of the season. :)

You and Gabe got to spend the summer days with the Fluke family, and we got to hang out with them outside of the everyday as well.  Such a sweet family, that we really enjoy. :)
 And, we made time to go to Wichita to visit family.  You'll see four generations in this photo from a "just because" trip to spend some time with your Great Grandpa.  We played cards, and just enjoyed the company of our extended family.
Sadly, we lost Great Grandpa in September of 2015.  You drew the SWEETEST, unprompted picture of you and him together.  I snapped this photo of you with your drawing, and it remains one of my favorite photos of you this year.  You have such a sweet heart, Lauren.  <3

We had opportunities for family photos.  T used to wear that little purple polka dot dress that you have on in this photo.  My heart.  <3

We had school beginnings.....Gabe's first day of 1st grade, and your first day of your last year of Pre-K with Miss Laura!

We settled into our busy school year of learning, and activities.  We had to adjust to Daddy's new schedule of working out of town, but we are making the best of it. <3  This meant more time with just Gabe and I....and you got dragged along to every Cub Scout event we had this year....but you were such an amazing sport about it, Lo!  We did get to go on a family Cub Scout campout in October 2015, and I snapped this adorable photo of you in our tent there.  We also had time for some family fishing.

But then!  Just a few short days later.....you broke your leg!  Ugh, reliving that night...I feel awful.  It was your first time on skates, and we spent the evening trading off between you wanting to hold my hand, and you telling me to let go because you could do it yourself.  In a moment where I wasn't hanging on.....you fell....like you had so many times that session already.  But for some reason, you twisted your leg just right this instance....and the result was a spiral fracture and about 8 weeks in a cast.  You had a full leg cast for the first several weeks, and then they removed that one, and put you in one that went up to just below your knee.  Selfishly, I did really enjoy those first few days, because I got to spend a lot of time with you at home, Lauren.  You were so impressive to me.  You had ... TRULY...the BEST attitude about your leg.  It was a huge drag, I know...and it was painful.  And everything took us longer....riding in the car was not easy.  We had to give you "baths" with you laid across the sink counter in our bathroom.  But tough life moments reveal true character......and your sweet little spirit sang through those weeks, Lauren.  I learned so much from your example on how to deal with adversity.  So what was a tough time, was also one of the most tender periods of the year for me.  Thank you for showing me how to "deal", Lo!  

Home with mom!


The techs who gave you this cast ALSO made you some Elsa gloves out of the lining material.  
You loved those gloves!

And here you are...making the best of things.  You still did your best to join in and play with friends to fight zombies in our backyard......

....and Daddy helped turn your wagon into a magic carpet to go with your Princess Jasmine costume for Halloween this year, since you weren't able to walk the neighborhood in a cast!

You got your cast off at the beginning of December....literally a day or two before the Christmas pageant at church.  You got to be an angel again this year...but you were an angel with a "broken wing" because it really took you weeks, or months to get back to normal function with your leg.  You were still UH-DORABLE, though.  See?
Notice the way your right leg is kind-of "favored" in this photo?  :)  It took so long for you to get back to normal use....but I'm happy that it's fully functional now.

You had a fantastic Christmas....Santa brought you an American Girl doll - Kit.  And we got to see all our family and had plenty of good photo opportunities. :)

You had your first ever dentist visit in January of 2016!  You were nervous at first, but handled it like a champ once we got you in that chair, and got the exam underway. 

You also spent time supporting big sis this year, by attending her many competition dance events.  Here you are with her below in her Bobblehead costume after her performance at Hollywood Connection in January 2016.

Spring brought with it more opportunities to be outside and play with friends.

We took Myrick Hawkinson hiking with us this time at Iliff Commons....

...and here you made like Peppa Pig, and spent some time splashing in a "muddy puddle." <3

And after a trip to Lindsey's parents' home this spring ... and playing outside on the barrel swing with her boys.....Barrel swing-1 and Lauren - 0  (your poor eye!)

In March, we took a quick family weekend to Omaha, where we visited the amazing zoo and surprised you with a visit to Coco Key water resort. 

And, we got to meet your newest cousin, Pierce!

And in April, we of course made time to dye eggs with the Foster side of your family!

And you made a big change with your hairstyle!!  Pastor Jeff jokingly asked you on Easter morning during Children's time if the Easter Bunny had cut your hair off (because when he saw you on Good Friday, you were still sporting your loooong locks.)  You had been asking us for weeks to chop your hair off, and we all FELL in love with it....the spunky style really suits your personality!

I recently got to take you to the doctor for your five year old check up and to get immunized and ready for KINDERGARTEN this fall!!

Lauren...as I've sifted through all of these photos, and reflected on your year, I've noticed a definite trend.  I've set aside this group of photos at the end, because they all really capture the magic that this year has held for you.  You see the world as your playground....your stage.  Your little heart hears music and you just break out into song or dance....you twirl and leap without a care in the world.....and it makes my mom-heart leap.  Life is a dance...and the world is FULL of wonder to you.  You inject joy into our family.  Your innocent happiness daily grounds me and redirects my focus...adjusts my priorities.  I love your sweet, innocent, twirly, whimsical, dressing up, carefree, dancing ways....and I have treasured this year.  I treasure you, sweet girl!  Happy happy happy fifth birthday, LoLo!  <3  I celebrate the gift that you are to all who get to share life with you!  ~Mom 

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