Friday, February 10, 2012

Decisions, decisions ...

A single decision will change your life.  If you want to make a change (yes Michael, you start with the man in the mirror)...but you have to see the change as it  I know I'm not inventing this idea...but recently I've really seen it playing out in my life.  Gosh....resolutions seem so much much less daunting when you look at them that way.  I'm still fairly caught up in my new year's resolutions.  With some things it may not be good to be "caught up" in them, but I think with resolutions, that's a good thing. 

After my last post, I got very gung-ho about them.  Thank you to those who prayed, because I'm absolutely certain that had something to do with it.  The weather was nice.  Strike that...the weather was unbelievable,  especially for a Kansas January!  I was able to get outside and exercise by doing some walking and hiking.  And the more I exercised the more I didn't want to "ruin" my effort with what I ate, so I made a lot of good decisions when it came to my food choices and diary.  If you continue down this little trail of good decisions, one might even be able to trace an improvement in my attitude, perhaps because I was feeling better due to the diet and exercise.  And because of that, I feel like I've been giving better effort at work...and towards my kids and family...and...and...and......................................

I'm sure you notice what I do in that scenario.  One positive decision led to others, until I had a regular li'l metaphorical snowball of good decision making.  And my snowball grew larger and larger with each day.  Notice now though, that I'm referring to the snowball in the past tense.  The past few days haven't been so good for me.  I had chocolate ice cream before bed last night.  I got absolutely upset with Gabriel the night before for repeatedly getting out of bed - I thought he was fooling around, and it turns out he had a massive ear infection.  *insert bad-mother cringe here*

Apparently, for me.....just as good decisions follow good, bad decisions follow bad. 

So this is encouragement to myself (and to you if you so need) to just start over with one, simple, little, teeny-tiny, decision.  Today I started again with a good decision for my lunch food.  Then I skipped the urge to buy a treat when I had to go out at the end of my lunch break to pick up Gabe's medicine.  And man, that made me feel good....both because that particular decision not only helped my waistline, but my pocketbook too.  As I was walking through the parking lot, I came across a Target cart lying on its side...not right in the middle of a lane, but partially blocking it.  And honestly, I think that on plenty of days I would have walked by (justifying to myself that I was in a hurry), or perhaps set it up and onto the curb, but not necessarily walked it back.  But not I was feeling so good, that I set it up and walked it all the way back around the parking lot and inside the Target store...and someone noticed and gave me a little pat on the back for my effort.  Man that felt good...and I think it made them feel good too.  So now, apparently my good decisions could possibly be affecting that woman's day, and her decicions as well.  That makes me really happy too.

So, the point to my blathering?  Just trying to encourage myself, and you, to make the right choices wherever and whenever we can.  Here's to us all turning one good decision into a hundred.  :)  

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