Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Resolve...

Come on 2012, I'm waiting.  Where is my swift kick in the pants?  The beginning of the new year is such the ideal time to start fresh...to reevaluate and reprioritize.  My friends are talking about their resolutions.  I've been actually thinking and praying about mine for weeks now. 

Dictionary.com defines resolve in the following way:


[ri-zolv] Show IPA verb, -solved, -solv·ing, noun
verb (used with object)
1. to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something): I have resolved that I shall live to the full.
It's easy to resolve to do something.  In the past couple of weeks I've been resolving all over the place.  :)  If it were as easy and simple as making the resolution, boy howdy, I'd be set.  Here are just a few of some of my resolutions for 2012:
1. Read more.  And in particular, I mean the Bible. 
2.  Work better.  I mean to show up a little earlier to work...to check my personal e-mail and Facebook a little less...to devote extra lunch time when I can, and to try to be as efficient as I can.
3.  To be more patient.  Lord help me...please.
4.  To get healthier.  Lord help me...please. 
And the list goes on.  Really, what I resolve to do is just better myself in whatever way possible.  That's the "general" way to say it.  I want to be a better example to my kids...abetter example of Christian love to everyone.  I want to do a better job at work.  I want to be healthier, both so I feel better, and so I look better.  I just want to be better.  I want it so much...SO much!  And yet....here I sit. 
Oh sure, I felt good about myself the few times I've ordered water instead of soda this year.  And about the few times I've ordered smartly off the menu at a restaurant.  These are both good little marks in my "be healthier" column.  But overall.....I'm not making much progress.  Not the way I want to be.  I've yet to exercise.  I've yet to pick up my Bible in the past 10 days.  I don't think I've yet had a day in the past 10 where I didn't snap at one of my children with my impatience.  I've felt sluggish, and not too motivated yet.  Maybe I'm still coming through the busyness of Christmas and the holidays, and I haven't gotten over that next hump...but I need something to get me driven...to motivate and inspire me.
Then on Sunday, my pastor preached a very inspirational sermon on resolutions.  It inspired me, and confirmed some of the things I had already chosen to focus on trying to do better this year.  He gave us a Scripture reading plan for the next 90 days that will take us through the New Testament.  He gave us tools to help us digest what we read and apply it to our lives.  He encouraged us to spend the time.  And most importantly, he just stated so simply that...."hey, you need to be in the Scriptures to get to the root of what we really should be resolving to do,"  just to be researching God's purpose for our lives.  It may be just enough to get me over the afore-mentioned hump.  Maybe if you would be so kind as to pray for me too, that might be the last shove that I need for 2012.  :)
I've resolved.  Now let me act.


  1. My sentiments exactly! Praying for you - pray for me too? Hugs <> friend!
