This morning, our little five year old Gabriel donned his favorite neon-yellow baseball socks (which perfectly coordinated with his neon yellow and navy blue shorts ensemble that Grandpa and Grandma recently gifted him), slung his freshly chosen Black Lego Ninjago backpack over his shoulder, and strode excitedly and confidently onto the bus to kindergarten....and just one inch closer to independence.
We traveled the hop, skip and jump over to our friends' home - he will be catching the bus in the mornings from the Flukes' home, with the kids he spent this past summer with. They were all looking so sharp this morning! It was fun to share the waiting for the bus, and the excitement of the day with these kiddos. Lauren will remain with the Flukes and be in their care until she too will take this kindergarten journey. Gabe has made a friend there named Nolan - Nolan is also starting kindergarten this fall, but is in a different class.
After much waiting, the bus finally made its way down the street. There was no hesitation, only joy, as Gabe made his way across the street and up the stairs to the bus. He greeted the bus driver, and plopped down in a seat on the side of the bus closest to us - his little head barely visible above the window ledge. He propped himself up for one final wave goodbye, as he smiled his Gabriel smile. I didn't even have time to catch a photo before his little head was back below the ledge of the window. And just like that...he was on his way!
I was not the blubbering mess I thought I'd be. Gabe was ready. Perhaps that helped me to be ready? He's so intelligent, and just mentally and socially ready for this life milestone, and he was just brimming with excitement ... this morning, and the past several days leading up to this morning! It was nearly impossible for the sentimentality to push through the sheer excitement! Although....during those quiet moments....after he'd bounded onto the bus....and I was left to my thoughts as I started my car....I did shed a few small tears. I think there were four to be exact: one for my love for him that is just too extravagant for my heart to for how proud I already am of for the eager anticipation of all that I know he will accomplish, and the boy and man he will become....and one for the bittersweet heartache of knowing that this indeed will be the first of many such milestone moments that I will experience and treasure on his life journey.
I gave the bus some time to make it to the school - perhaps a bit too much time, because by the time I got there, they were already in their room, with the door shut, beginning their day. I couldn't bring myself to interrupt them for that one last shot I wanted of him sitting at his desk in the classroom. I peeked in through the door, for just a couple of moments.....and there he was. He sat so quietly...paying attention. Perhaps he was taking my advice to heart? I can be wordy at times (shocking, I know), but I tried to keep my motherly kindergarten advice short and sweet. I told Gabe that the most important thing he could do was to be a good listener. That's one of the most important things any of us can do throughout our lives. prayer for you is that you will listen, and practice kindness and respect, and that these behaviors will enhance your school experience, and cultivate it into a magnificent learning and growing experience for you that will send you down a successful life path, filled with knowledge and amazing experiences. My prayer is for you to do all of these things to the best of your ability, and that you will use this knowledge-rich and abundant life in a way that will show others what it means to love God, and use the gifts He has given you to do his work in our world.
I watched the clock anxiously all day - not an easy task when you're slammed at work.....but finally 3:45 rolled around, and I headed home. The bus was late....typical for first-day schedules....and those minutes drug on and on. Finally, Shawn and I heard the rumble of the bus coming down the street, and the squall of its brakes as it slowed down to round our corner. The bus stopped in front of our house, and the driver got out to show Gabe how to watch for cars, and where to stand and wait......and then............there was this.....
.....and my "mom heart" rejoiced. You're going to be great, Gabe!! <3
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