I think it's a pretty standard feeling that time speeds up as you get older, and maybe also just as standardly recognized, that then once you have children, said speed increases exponentially. It really doesn't seem like all that long ago when I first realized I was pregnant with Lauren (although now, it's been a year and 9 months). I recall being downstairs - it was later in the evening and Gabe was in bed. Shawn and I were playing on our computers - and I suddenly had a serious urge to make some fried potatoes. So, I did - I marched upstairs and sliced up some potatoes and then proceeded to eat the entire batch that I made. As I was back downstairs, munching away....it hit me. "Oh my gosh....I'm pregnant." Never in my life (except maybe when I was pregnant with Gabe) have I done something like fry up a skillet of potatoes and proceed to eat the entire thing. I took a test soon after....and it was confirmed - our second child was on the way!
I remember the swirling thoughts....."but, no....no I can't be pregnant - I have not lost all the weight and gotten in the shape I wanted to be in before getting pregnant again,"....."no...no I can't be yet...we haven't moved to a bigger house so we can have a room for each kid...how are we going to fit everyone...and oh my gosh, daycare...I wanted to be in a better position financially before our next child...." and on and on. But as it goes....my best-laid plans and thoughts and intentions were set aside as we instead (and once again) followed God's path for us, and submitted to His perfect timing for our lives...Lauren was coming...and she'd be here in 9 months.
As the pregnancy progressed, my worries about the timing were quickly brushed aside. We heard her tiny little hearbeat.....got our first glimpse at her sweet little profile...and once again wondered at the sheer miracle that it is to grow a new life.
I also gave serious thanks that my pregnancy with Lauren was night-and-day different than that with Gabriel - this was one smooth, and illness-free pregnancy! I guess it was a preview of what was to come, a bit of foreshadowing if you will, because Lauren's first year was also one of smooth sailing.
She was "due" to arrive on May 25th. I had my last appointment with Denise, my midwife, on May 24th, and that was enough to start the ball rolling. I did drive to work after that appointment, but had to leave by Noon when the contractions were about five minutes apart. Lauren graced us with her presence at 5:49 that evening. Being the seasoned parents that we were (insert winky face here) .... that might have played a part in just how we perceived everything about Lauren's arrival. With Gabriel I felt clueless...anxious...okay, really borderline terrified. But with Lauren we knew more of what to expect, and everything just seemed easier. It's hard to say how much of that was Lauren just actually being easier...and how much of it may have been our perception. There was very little crying - hardly a peep when she had to get her heel pricked for bloodwork in the hospital. Lauren slept longer chunks of time from the very beginning, and was happier in between the times of sleep as well. She was a sweet and happy baby from the very beginning.
I remember just being ready to be home....ready to be a family. We've never been shy to just jump right in there and carry on with our normal, daily lives and just include the babies in what we do. We went to church that first Sunday, just five days after Lo was born. The next day, Monday, we traveled to Wichita to visit family and friends with her, and she's always been just a little trooper. I always said that it was such a fun time to be on maternity leave with her because Tessaira was home for the summer, and the kids and I had a couple of months full of outings to the new Discovery Center in Topeka, the Zoo, the pool, and so on. We made the absolute most of that time together!! Here she is at the Zoo with Daddy, playing at the Discovery Center with T, and hangin' at home with big brother, Gabe. :)

Lauren's always been in the upper percentiles for her size, both height and weight. And, I don't know if it's because of the size, or what exactly, but she has always been so strong! She rolled over (from tummy to back) before she was even one full month old!
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I remember going to her one-month appointment, and telling the story of how Lauren had already rolled over to Dr. Pridgett - she said we were in trouble and agreed she was so strong (as she struggled to straighten her leg to check her hip flexibility). Lauren's always reached those physical milestones (holding her head up, crawling, pulling up, and even walking) all a bit on the early side. We had to start chasing after her at about 10 1/2 months old when she really began toddling around. The first year is just chock-full of those milestones - different for each child ..... and I have relished watching her achieve each of them in her own time.
I also just cherish watching her grow - in no other year of life will your child change and grow so much!
It's a beautiful thing to watch your child come into their own, develop their personality, and dream about what all is in store for them!
So, my little Lauren Leann - thank you for a fun and memorable first year. We will continue to watch you grow and cherish your sweet personality. We will be your biggest cheerleaders, celebrating every milestone and accomplishment along the way! And, we'll continue to pray that you will grow to love Jesus and do everything in the spirit of joy, love and grace that only comes from knowing Him. We love you!!
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