Monday, February 20, 2012

Am I like Norman?

Ever have one of those moments where it's really felt as if God came down from Heaven....and put someone or something directly in your if He wanted to directly and immediately answer a question you have.....or at the least, speak to thoughts circling in your brain at that point in your life?  Well, I think that has now happened to me a couple/few times.  I'll write about the first incident another time, but the second one happened so recently, and it's really still fresh in my mind, so I'm going to write about it now. 

In this particular instance, God delivered Himself to me in a little "Tessaira package."  I'd been in conversations with someone fairly close to me....about....well....influences in our lives, particularly friends.  I was speaking about how I thought it was important to, as much as we can, surround ourselves with people that are good influences on us.  And as a Christian...that additionally means to me that it's important to be friends with people who share my beliefs, who can encourage me spiritually/scripturally....and who can and will convict me...hold me accountable.  I'm not saying that I can not be friends with someone unless they're a Christian.  I have so many friends from various religions, backgrounds, sexual name it.  And yet, as a Christian, I do see the importance of having relationships with other Christians.  My conversation that night with that person spiraled into more of a "well how do we know who the good influences are, what makes someone a good Christian anyway," type of conversation.  And after I spoke for a bit, this person, stated something to the effect that I was being pretty judgmental in some of the things I was saying.  And as I sat there wondering aloud to them on these topics....I began to see how what I was saying could be perceived as "judgment"...and possibly that what I was saying was indeed full of judgment.  Was I being judgmental? 

The following evening, still mulling over lingering thoughts from the recent conversation, I went about my evening routine.  We'd just gotten Gabriel down for bed, and we had Tessaira that night, so I asked her to pick out a book to read together while I got my jammies on.  She was gone for a few minutes, searching through her several shelves of books.....and then she came around the corner into our bedroom doorway, with a book in hand.  "This one," she stated, and handed me a copy of "Sidney and Norman - A Tale of Two Pigs" by Phil Vischer.  My breath caught in my throat for a second.  We'd read this book only once before....I bought it for her maybe a couple years ago, and we read it soon after that, and not since that.  But I remembered generally what the book was about, and prepared myself for a humbling experience.

Can you get an idea of what the book is about from the cover?  Sidney and Norman are neighbors...but other than the location of their homes, their lives are hardly similar.  Sidney struggles.  Norman has it together.  Sidney is disheveled and disorganized; Norman is organized and impeccable.  Norman and Sidney go about their daily lives, living so close together...and yet they hardly interact.  Maybe it's because they just really don't have all that much in common...maybe it's a little bit because Norman feels superior to Sidney...

Their lives change one day though, when they both receive a letter from God, and he invites each of them to come and meet with Him.  Norman goes, expecting praise for all that he has accomplished and for the organized and "together" way that he lives his life; Sidney goes expecting to hear that his life so far has actually been quite a disappointment to God.  And as it goes with God....neither pig walks away from their meeting feeling that their expectations had been met.  But isn't that how God works in all of our lives?  :)  I know for me, He rarely does things in the way or timing that I hope for or even expect, or things will be brought around to me in a different way than I expect to receive them.  Thank God for all of that.  And thank God that he delivered His message to me through Tessaira that night.

So.  Where am I going with all of this?  I actually began this post in February 2011, it was one of the very first ones that I ever began for this blog.  It's now February 2012.  I've shelved it for so long because I still am not sure exactly how to process my swirling thoughts on all of it...but maybe someone who reads this will be able to share some of their own.  I guess the bottom line is...there may be a few times in my life that stand out as Norman-like moments...where perhaps I was being judgmental.  However....I have had plenty of Sidney moments too (where I was just completely faced with a horrible decision I'd made, or my totally sinful nature, or where I just did not have my crap together and was not doing the best that I could), and I just want the world to know that. 

Where is the line between "passing judgment" on someone and wanting to surround yourself with Christian friends?  (I think you should be able to choose whom you want to be friends with, without society feeling like you're looking down on someone....everyone has a set of criteria with which they choose who to decide to be friends with.)  How correct is society for believing that Christians are self-righteous and judgmental people like Norman?  As a can I make sure I'm not being self-righteous and judgmental?  I can guarantee you, I do not feel "better than" other people.  I don't think that I'm "better than" anyone else...Lord knows I have plenty of faults, and do things the wrong way.  The Bible tells us that we've all sinned and fall short....yet how do Christians still come off this way?

This past Sunday at church, was Youth Sunday...always a sweet and uplifting service.  They recited a poem that I had never heard before, but that has apparently been around since 1988.  It was written by a woman named Carol Wimmer, and you can find her information here, as well as a link to the poem on her site:

And once again....God delivered himself to me...sent me a little message this weekend...this time through the youth at my church.  All of the ideas in this poem I believe are central to what I want the entire world to know and believe about Christians (especially with regard to the topics of judgment and self righteousness)...and what I want Christian people to live out in their everyday lives.  These thoughts are just so, so good.  And as it goes...Carol does a much better job of saying any of these than I ever could hope here are her words: 

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not shouting, “I’ve been saved!”
I’m whispering, “I get lost!
That’s why I chose this way”

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t speak with human pride
I’m confessing that I stumble -
needing God to be my guide

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not trying to be strong
I’m professing that I’m weak
and pray for strength to carry on

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not bragging of success
I’m admitting that I’ve failed
and cannot ever pay the debt

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t think I know it all
I submit to my confusion
asking humbly to be taught

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are far too visible
but God believes I’m worth it

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartache
which is why I seek His name

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I do not wish to judge
I have no authority
I only know I’m loved

Copyright 1988 Carol Wimmer

My prayer is that the World will see that as Christians, we seek not to judge, but to show others the forgiveness, grace, comfort and love we've found in knowing Jesus; and, that as Christians, we will be true to this in our actions toward others.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Gabriel - 02/17/2012

Oh, Gabriel bring me joy.  I love you so much.  I love you more than any other parent could possibly love their the point that this love could just burst out of me.  It is frustratingly impossible to describe just how much love I have for you.  :)  This post is dedicated to you, because as your Mom, I treasure every single moment that I spend with you, and I know that along the way, a lot of these little moments may be lost, unless I take some time to remember some of them.  :) 

Here you are....I feel this picture kinda "says it all" about you right now, Gabe.  You were getting ready for bed as I snapped this, and we have this thing with leaving your shirt kinda on your head the way it is in the picture...and you say "look at my orange hair, Mommy!!"  You think it's just the funniest thing, and you do it almost every night.

Look at those eyelashes.  And the food on your face....there are not too many foods you won't eat...although, you are way more likely to eat vegetables and fruits than you are meat or bread.  I'd say your two favorite foods right now are pizza and pickled beets - I'll bet that's pizza sauce on your face in the picture.  :)    Then there's the marker on your elbow...oh how you LOVE to color and especially with markers.  In recent weeks, you have really impressed me with your coloring skills.  You frequently tell me "I did not scribble, mom!" and you really don't!  So often now I watch you coloring (or "colorling" as you so cutely say it) and you're so careful, and you're really able to stay in the lines so well for your age.  This picture just epitomizes "3 year old Gabe."   

Your sweet little expression just melts have that little half grin that one finds on your face quite often.  You're just mischevious enough to have fun, but still oh-so well behaved.  Your Sunday school teachers (Miss Nancy and Miss Julie) tell your Daddy and me all the time just how well you listen and obey, and so do all of your teachers at ABC.  That makes me so proud.  It will always be my goals to raise you to be a guy who loves Jesus above all, closely followed by your family....and for you to always be a polite, respectful, but FUN little guy.  :)

You have really gotten to an age where it is very fun to watch you play.  You like to climb, you like to play games, you love books, and you LOVE your Thomas trains that you got for your birthday and Christmas in 2011! love your sisters, both Tessaira and Lauren, so very much. 

Here are my memories, and few of my favorite Gabe-isms as of late:
~He LOVES beets.
~He loves trains: hearing them, seeing them, playing with them, etc.
~He absolutely ADORES both of his sisters.  He is always asking about Tessaira when she's not with us, and follows her every move when she is with us.  He is always entertaining Lauren and trying to make her laugh - he also calls her "Grin-cakes" just like Grandpa does.
~He calls coloring "colorling", he loves to do it, and for a three year-old seems very good at it to me.  He does a great job of being as careful as he can and staying in the lines.
~He is very perceptive....sometimes to the point where he's able to call people out on things.  Funny story...the other day we were playing at Grandpa and Grandma's house (my parents' house).  And he LOVES his Grandparents....and loves the time he spends with them.  Well Grandpa was sitting in a chair near where Gabe was playing, watching Gabe.  Gabe excitedly asked Grandpa to "come and play with me!" to which Grandpa replied "Oh I am playin' with ya buddy!!"  And Gabe said....."no  you're just sitting there..." in his little three year old way.  It busted us all up.  :)
~His favorite CD at the moment is a little Veggie Tales bedtime CD (that we listen to frequently at all times of the day, especially in the car) where Junior Asparagus sings songs like "Twinkle Little Star" and "Bushel and a Peck".
~One of his favorite times of day is each evening, as we go through our tuck-in routine.  We read (favorite books right now are "Goodnight Moon", "Goodnight Gorilla", "Tanka Skunk", and his little picture Bible-especially the stories of David and Foliah (Goliath), and baby Moses), and then we pray.  And we always say "Now I lay me down to sleep..." but it's when that prayer is over that he gets in his element.  We also pray to God for what we're thankful for....usual items for him are his bunk beds :) and his family.  And then we pray for our petitions...our concerns....and he LOVES mentioning people to remember and pray for.  His Papa (Shawn's dad) is dealing with some health issues right now, and he always asks to pray for him.  Tessaira's mother lost her job and was on a search for a new one, and once Gabe learned about that he was always wanting to pray for Arin about that too.  Just a couple more examples.  :) 
~He is just so sweet, especially for a little boy.  I'm not saying that I think little boys do not care about anything, but he just really knows how to love on people, and shows so much love for all his family, especially his sisters.  And he is usually very obedient and eager to please his parents.
~His favorite places to go right now are anywhere with "equickment" to play on (so Pizza Hut, McDonald's, etc.)  :)  He also enjoys going to the mall and shopping and playing on the equipment there.  And Topeka recently added a "Going Bonkers" which he LOVES running around and playing at.

I will close this post just by letting Gabe know how incredibly special he really is, and that it is our prayer that he continue to grow up to just have a deep love of God and of all the people in his life....and that he'll keep making us laugh.  The next story  is one small example of the laughter he brings.....and all I can say is, please keep it coming, bubby!!!

A few weeks ago, I was sitting on the floor in the living room, watching Gabe play.  At that moment, he had his little "play" Nativity set out.  Yes it was January, but this is one that we keep in their toy drawer year-round for them to play with.  And, it's a pretty involved set, it has several angels and animals and haybales, in addition to the traditional people characters.  He'd been acting out little scenarios with various players, and I'd been overhearing little snippets of his conversations, but for some reason he'd gotten animated enough that I really zoned in on what he was saying and doing at that moment....and he had Mary in his right hand, and a little donkey in his left.  And he was adamantly waving Mary around as she said to the donkey "NO NO!!!  We don't poop on baby Jesus!  We gotta take care of him!!"

Hahahaha.  :) 

Well said, Gabe.....well said.  :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Decisions, decisions ...

A single decision will change your life.  If you want to make a change (yes Michael, you start with the man in the mirror)...but you have to see the change as it  I know I'm not inventing this idea...but recently I've really seen it playing out in my life.  Gosh....resolutions seem so much much less daunting when you look at them that way.  I'm still fairly caught up in my new year's resolutions.  With some things it may not be good to be "caught up" in them, but I think with resolutions, that's a good thing. 

After my last post, I got very gung-ho about them.  Thank you to those who prayed, because I'm absolutely certain that had something to do with it.  The weather was nice.  Strike that...the weather was unbelievable,  especially for a Kansas January!  I was able to get outside and exercise by doing some walking and hiking.  And the more I exercised the more I didn't want to "ruin" my effort with what I ate, so I made a lot of good decisions when it came to my food choices and diary.  If you continue down this little trail of good decisions, one might even be able to trace an improvement in my attitude, perhaps because I was feeling better due to the diet and exercise.  And because of that, I feel like I've been giving better effort at work...and towards my kids and family...and...and...and......................................

I'm sure you notice what I do in that scenario.  One positive decision led to others, until I had a regular li'l metaphorical snowball of good decision making.  And my snowball grew larger and larger with each day.  Notice now though, that I'm referring to the snowball in the past tense.  The past few days haven't been so good for me.  I had chocolate ice cream before bed last night.  I got absolutely upset with Gabriel the night before for repeatedly getting out of bed - I thought he was fooling around, and it turns out he had a massive ear infection.  *insert bad-mother cringe here*

Apparently, for me.....just as good decisions follow good, bad decisions follow bad. 

So this is encouragement to myself (and to you if you so need) to just start over with one, simple, little, teeny-tiny, decision.  Today I started again with a good decision for my lunch food.  Then I skipped the urge to buy a treat when I had to go out at the end of my lunch break to pick up Gabe's medicine.  And man, that made me feel good....both because that particular decision not only helped my waistline, but my pocketbook too.  As I was walking through the parking lot, I came across a Target cart lying on its side...not right in the middle of a lane, but partially blocking it.  And honestly, I think that on plenty of days I would have walked by (justifying to myself that I was in a hurry), or perhaps set it up and onto the curb, but not necessarily walked it back.  But not I was feeling so good, that I set it up and walked it all the way back around the parking lot and inside the Target store...and someone noticed and gave me a little pat on the back for my effort.  Man that felt good...and I think it made them feel good too.  So now, apparently my good decisions could possibly be affecting that woman's day, and her decicions as well.  That makes me really happy too.

So, the point to my blathering?  Just trying to encourage myself, and you, to make the right choices wherever and whenever we can.  Here's to us all turning one good decision into a hundred.  :)