I honestly have had this blog set up for weeks now. Maybe it's even been a couple of months. I was inspired to start one by several friends on Facebook that regularly blog about their days, motherhood stories, thoughts, things they're reading. With the amount of thoughts rattling around in side my head at any given moment, I could easily write for hours...possibly days. I'll just have to spread those thoughts out and attack them one by one, as time permits.
During the days that I was setting this up, I was so excited about it. And then it sat....and sat....and sat. I think my problem has been....where do I even begin with all of these thoughts and stories to share? :) I have a beautiful, wonderful and imperfect marriage. Hillarious and talented kids....a great family. I sometimes must deal with challenges that life throws at me. My sister's getting married. I'm pregnant. My other sister is one of the strongest women I know, for the things she's been through in the past couple of years. Within the past few years I lost both my mother-in-law and my step-mother-in-law to battles with cancer. My church is doing great things for people. I feel God's presence so strongly in my life right now. I have so much to be thankful for. I mean, how do you know where to begin?
I guess what I just need to do, is jump in, feet first and just go for it. So that's what I'm attempting to do here....the first post has to be the hardest, right?
My goals for this blog, are:
1. To have a way to look back at my life from time to time, in detail, and to never forget where I've been.
2. To journal my children's antics, and my family's adventures.
3. To have a place to direct my thoughts to, and hopefully make some sense out of them.
4. Maybe, possibly to brighten someone's day from time to time, or share a story that someone else can relate to, or that can help someone in some way.
5. To share the amazing things that God can do in someone's life.
6. To have a way to daily remind me of what I have to be thankful for.
If you're reading this, thank you...and hang in there with me. I have NO idea what I am doing. :)
I have no idea what I'm doing either but, blogging is a good thing. It's very liberating and super scary at the same time! I'm proud of you Mel for taking the plunge :). It'll be fun to get to know you again since I'm horrible at keeping up with facebook stuff.