This song in particular just speaks to me because I know some people who have gone through some incredibly hard times in the past few years, and it's about some broad ideas that I feel so strongly about, and have for some time...for sure back to my high school days. First, I believe that you have to experience the "bad" in life in order to appreciate the "good" - I remember strongly understanding and starting to believe this after a reading of Milton's "Paradise Lost" in high school (thank you Mr. Schultz). I had never thought before that really it's impossible to have or know what "good" is, unless you also have the opposite. One of the major themes in Milton's poem is actually that the fall of mankind is in a way fortunate, because it allows us to experience the bad in pain, suffering and death, and allows us to experience the good, that God offers us mercy and the gift of salvation through Jesus. Secondly, I believe that all life events, bad or good, shape us into exactly who we are to be...that God has a plan for us, and everything that happens to us is included in that plan. Romans 8:28 says "And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose." This is so huge in my life. It just gives every thing that happens to me so much purpose....I can rejoice in the good, and in some ways even rejoice in the bad. It's during the bad that we learn....that we are humbled....that we can have a shifted perspective. If you can look at the bad this way, you can see the bigger picture (as opposed to a snapshot of one bad moment in your life) that Josh Wilson sings about.
For me, all of these ideas make the bad things in life so absolutely much more bearable. That verse from Romans does not say "in all of the good things that happen to you, God will work for the good of those who love him." No. It says "in ALL things," - this includes the difficult or bad.
I debated on posting the lyrics to this song, and ultimately decided to go ahead and include them. They are below, as well as a link to a place on YouTube where you can hear the song if you'd like. :)
I just pray that every single person would be able to know these things about their life. That God loves them, there's purpose in all of it (even the pain), and be able to see the bigger picture, and how everything can work together for you when you're following Him. I pray that each person would not say "if there is a God, how could he let this happen to me," but rather "I have faith that all of this is happening in my life to bring a better ending for me somehow." I also pray that I will still fervently believe this on the day that the first absolute tragedy crosses my life's path, because I know the things I've faced are nothing compared to what some have.
Let me always look for the bigger picture.
"Before the Morning" - by Josh Wilson
Do you wonder why you have to feel the things that hurt you
If there’s a God who loves you, where is He now?
If there’s a God who loves you, where is He now?
Maybe there are things you can’t see and all those things are happening
to bring a better ending someday somehow you'll see, you'll see.
Would you dare would you dare to believe
That you still have a reason to sing
Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
It can’t compare to the joy that’s coming
That you still have a reason to sing
Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
It can’t compare to the joy that’s coming
So hold on you gotta wait for the light
Press on and just fight the good fight
Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
It’s just the dark before the morning
Press on and just fight the good fight
Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
It’s just the dark before the morning
My friend you know how this all ends, you know where you’re going
You just don’t know how you’ll get there...So say a prayer
You just don’t know how you’ll get there...So say a prayer
And hold on, cause there’s good for those who love God
Life is not a snapshot, It might take a little time but you’ll see the bigger picture...
Life is not a snapshot, It might take a little time but you’ll see the bigger picture...