Tessaira Rose. Just even saying her name brings a smile to my face. What a beautiful and talented little girl she is. I mean really.....what a smile....what a personality!
I remember the first night I really met Tessaira (not counting the few times I ran across her and Shawn's path when she was just a baby). She was almost 2 1/2 years old, and I had gone as a friend with Shawn to a band concert in Tonganoxie - he had to go as a representative for Hume Music. Tessaira was quiet and clung to her Daddy. Being a person that loves little kids, I know that they can be shy the first time they meet someone, so I was anxious to try and break that shell. I remember it taking a bit of time, but by the end of the evening, she had revealed to me a little bit of the spunk in her personality, and I capped off the evening with my first Tessaira-hug and even a little kiss on the cheek. And thus began our relationship. Little did I know where Tessaira and I were headed. :)

It has since been 6 1/2 years. Tessaira is now almost nine, and such an integral part of my life. We have shared some challenging moments for sure. I can recall plenty of tantrums in the car (one that had Shawn, Tessaira and I sitting in the lot outside of a Wendy's for a good 15 minutes while she calmed down and made the choice to end the tantrum). :) Of course everyone has their challenges, but everyone has their strengths too, and that's why this blog post is dedicated to T-bear....to heap praise on her for the amazing things she does, and the beautiful little person she is.
Tessaira is a spit-fire. Tessaira is talented. Tessaira is beautiful. Tessaira is creative.
A lot of times, children get attention from adults for being "cute", but not the way Tessaira does. I've had people come practically tearing across the mall to comment on just how beautiful Tessaira is....and she is. She has this gorgeous, fine, curly dark-brown hair....and this perfect pale brown skin....and her deep brown eyes. And...if you've ever gotten really close, you may have noticed the adorable little dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks. But the thing that really gets me about her, is that SMILE! Sure it currently has a few holes in it...but it can light up a room any day. :) I pray that she will always recognize the beautiful little girl that God created her to be, and to really appreciate these things about herself, and be confident in them.
I find myself appreciating the creative way Tessaira looks at the world....her family and friends....questions.....tasks and projects. She comes up with some of the most creative and impressive projects all on her own. For example, one day while going through papers that came home from school, I found some folded up sheets with handwriting all over them. I unfolded them and began reading, and realized that for fun, she and some of her friends had written a short play. They had a master script, and parts for each member of the cast, and there was even a narrator. That just blew me away that an 8 year old would do that! It never fails; I will ask her opinion of something (admittedly sometimes with a certain response hoped for or already planned out in my brain) and she frequently surprises me with her insight and opinions. I'm the type that has strong opinions, knows what I want, and thinks that these ideas are good ones. :) So I've now grown to expect....and actually really appreciate the curve-balls Tessaira throws me that force me to look at situations and people from another perspective. I find her to be quite different from the way I was as a child, and I'm really finding that I can learn a lot from that. She is the "rule-pusher" to my "rule-following", the "mis-match" to my "matchy-matchy". By no means am I encouraging her to be a rebel-rule-breaker....but I really do think that it can be important to test limits in some ways because that is how positve change sometimes comes about. I try to be a parent to her that can keep her in check, but still encourage that spit-fire spunk without crushing her energy and spirit. I pray that she will always use her spit-fire energy and creativity for things that make her happy and will make the world a more beautiful and better place.
The thing I'm appreciating the most about Tessaira right now though, is her sweet, sweet soul. She blew me away when Gabriel was born, and she's blowing me away again with regard to Lauren. I have never met another child that had such a heart for babies and younger children.
Tessaira & Gabriel
Tessaira & Lauren
Sometimes Shawn and I have to say to her "Tessaira, put your brother/sister down and go play!!" She loves them; and, they love her. Gabriel and Lauren I hope one day will realize just what a great big sister they have!! I pray also that Tessaira realizes what a special gift she has for working with kids, and that it can be used for God's glory all throughout her life, whether it's in caring for her siblings, babysitting, becoming a doctor or a teacher, etc. I think God can use this gift in an amazing way - I know He already is using it in our family.
Tessaira I'm sure does not realize right now.....and maybe it's not something she could ever fully grasp....but, I'm sure she does not realize the impact she already has had on so many lives. I know she impacted Shawn's life in a major way, and continues to. I think their story is beautiful, and amazing...and reveals so much about both of their characters....but that is another blog post. :) She gave my parents their first grandchild, and was the first niece to my sisters. I know she is a huge blessing to Arin and their family. She is an amazing big sister, and Lauren and Gabe feel lucky (even in their 2 year old and 6 month old ways) to have her around. And me.....well....she's given me the opportunity to be a step-mom, which is an experience that has grown me as a person, and challenged and rewarded me in ways even beyond being a regular mom or dad. But step-mommyhood....that's another blog post too. :)
Tessaira, thank you for being you. We love you.